Making Inclusion a Reality
Carmen Roman
Think Tank - Third Floor
This presentation aims to help parents of students with IEP's and 504 Plans to understand the benefits of inclusion in school settings, as well the IDEA law that supports inclusion. Upon completion participants will be able to:
- Identify how IDEA supports inclusive education
- Discuss the benefits of inclusive education
- Explain the importance of Supplementary Aids and Services
- Discuss the importance of presuming competence in inclusive education
- Describe your family's vision of inclusion for your child
- List the most important things you will share with your child's IEP team at the next meeting
PGCPS Parent Engagement Assistants/Liaisons+ Boots on the Ground for Powerful Partnerships & Engagement
Dr. Sheila Jackson
Innovation 1 - Third Floor
Join Dr. Sheila Jackson, in this interactive and strategy-filled session based on her 30+ years of daily family-facing work in PGCPS, Maryland. She will demonstrate and provide tools that highlight how she and her team have spearheaded and led the development, coaching and support of these powerful data driven "Servant Leaders" who skillfully, compassionately and with an eye towards equity do this work everyday!
Engaging Families for Meaningful Impact: Differentiated Family Engagement
Lisa Casper
Innovation 2 - Third Floor
Differentiated Family Engagement (DFE) is an EPIC copyrighted framework intended to help afterschool/agency staff, school and district leaders, teachers, and parent leaders understand the goals and strategies for family engagement. Participants will learn to take into account a family's ability and motivation to be involved in supporting their child's success. DFE helps participants understand that a one size fits all approach to engaging
How to Make Data Approachable for Families
Amanda Murphy
Innovation 3 - Third Floor
In this session, stakeholders will learn how to access school-wide data for their child's school and gain insights into making data understandable and parent-friendly. Participants will explore practical strategies for sharing data in ways that engage families and discover how parents can partner with schools to use this information to support student success. This session is designed to bridge the gap between educators and families, ensuring a collaborative approach to data-driven student growth. |