Building Stakeholder Capacity: What Stakeholders Should Know When Providing Advice to the Bureau of Special Education
Barbara Mozina & John T. Cica
Think Tank- Third Floor
This session will build capacity among school leaders, parents and other stakeholders to recognize the critical role of compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the impact of not meeting the requirements of IDEA on their students with disabilities. The IDEA requires the U.S. Secretary of Education to make an annual determination as to whether each state is meeting the requirements of the Act. In addition to the federal-to-state determination requirements, IDEA also mandates that states make annual determinations of the status of every Local Education Agency (LEA) in the state. To this end, local reviews of student outcomes as well as compliance data is utilized in evaluating LEA performance. In addition, IDEA requires every state to develop a State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) which requires public reporting. States must report annually to the public on the state's progress or slippage in meeting the measurable and rigorous targets of the SPP/APR and the performance of each school district, charter school, and preschool early intervention program in the Commonwealth on meeting targets. The presenters will facilitate a more meaningful and substantial understanding of the SPP/APR and its relationship to LEA's special education programs.
Breakthrough the ACEs: Building Resiliency
Lisa Casper
Innovation 1- Third Floor
Join us as we explore recognizing trauma and understating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in children and families as well as helping to build skills that foster resilience in children and families. Families are resilient when they are able to access their inner strengths to proactively meet challenges, manage adversities, heal the effects of trauma and thrive given the unique characteristics and circumstances of their family. We will discuss methods for increasing families' self-efficacy so they are able to face challenges in order to enhance the positive effects on family relationships.
Families to the Max: Who We Are and How We Promote Effective Collaboration in School Settings
Jacqui DiDomenico & Nikki Huggan
Innovation 2- Third Floor
Learn about the FAMILIES TO THE MAX Pennsylvania Statewide Family Network and our guiding principles of presuming competence, fostering high expectations, access to the general education curriculum, leading change, collaborating with school teams, and empowering families.
FAMILIES TO THE MAX has attracted national attention as a model of deep family engagement that has moved into being family-led and focuses on helping both professionals and family members work to resolve conflict at the lowest levels through collaborative problem-solving partnerships.
This session is targeted to those who are interested in Special Education, collaborative practices, and/or a model of true Family Leadership.
Family Engagement: How to Make All Families Feel Welcome
Cyndi La Marca Lessner
Innovation 3- Third Floor
Family Engagement starts with creating a welcoming environment, but how do we truly do that? This workshop explores how creating a welcoming environment for students and families starts with us, the school staff. We will explore the concept of mental models/implicit bias, what this means, and how it impacts our engagement with families from the moment we meet them. We will also learn how to recognize our own implicit bias and learn the difference between responding vs. reacting. Finally, we will discuss resources for compassion fatigue and promoting resilience.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify the difference between engagement and involvement
- Understand how family engagement is a key component of student success
- Understand the concept of mental models and how this impacts engagement
- Review the Hierarchy of Needs in relation to meeting families where they are.
- Understand the Ladder of Inference as it relates to decision making;
- Discuss the difference between Reacting vs. Responding.
- Receive resources to combat compassion fatigue and promote resilience.